Ловкость и координация в системе физической подготовки занимающихся, специализирующихся в спортивной борьбе и боевых искусствах
https://doi.org/10.32652/olympic2017.4_%25xКлючевые слова:
спортивная борьба, боевые искусства, техническая подготовка, физическая подготовка, ловкость, двигательная памятьАннотация
Статья представляет собой аналитический обзор по проблеме развития ловкости в спортивной борьбе и боевых искусствах. Охарактеризован сложившийся подход к подготовке спортсменов в этих видах, в основе которого технико-тактическое обучение и совершенствование при явно недостаточном внимании к физической подготовке занимающихся, особенно к развитию ловкости как качества, исключительно важного для быстрых эффективных двигательных действий в изменяющихся и неожиданных ситуациях. Приведены различия между спортивными видами борьбы и боевыми искусствами, определяющие дифференциацию методики развития ловкости. Показана значимость для развития ловкости использования знаний о физиологических основах управления движениями и двигательными действиями и таких понятий, как «двигательная память», «моторное поле», «антиципация», «подсознательные автоматизированные движения и действия», «автоматизмы».Библиографические ссылки
Anokhin PK. The essays on physiology of functional systemsю Moscow: Meditsina; 1975. 402 p.
Bernshtein NA. On the agility and its development. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1991. 288 p.
Bulantsov AM. Improving the reliability of throwing motor skill in sambo wrestlers under conditions of competitive activity [аutoreferat]. Moscow; Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism; 2011. 22 p.
Burtsev GA, Malashenkov SG, Smirnov VV, Siamiullin ZS. The basics of hand-to-hand combat. Moscow: Voen. izd-vo; 1992. 206 p.
Valeiev РG. Enhancing the technical and tactical skills of wrestlers on the basis of improvement of combinational style of fighting in a match [аutoreferat]. St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg Lesgaft GUFK; 2007. 22 p.
Galkovskii NM, Katulin AZ. Athletic wrestling (Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, sambo). Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1968.
Guzhalovskii AA. The basics of the theory and methodology of physical culture. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1986. 356 p.
Gulevich DI, Zviagintsev GN. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Voenizdat; 1975. 175 p.
Dolmatov AI. Specialized physical training. Moscow: CS “Dinamo”; 1989. 149 p.
Dougherty MJ. Survival. Hand-to-hand combat. Moscow: AST; 2015. 320 p.
Duk Sung Son. Combat taekwondo. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2004. 384 p.
Zaporozhets AV. Psychology of sensations and perceptions. Psychological chrestomathy. Moscow; 1999. p. 539–546.
Zakharov FE. Enhancing the reliability of performing signature moves by Greco-Roman wrestlers on the basis of individualization of speed-strength training [аutoreferat]. Saint Petersburg; Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health; 2013. 26 p.
Zinchenko V. Perception. – Great psychological dictionary. Moscow: Olma-Press; 2004.
Ivanov II, Kuznetsov AS, Samurgashev RV, Shulika YuA. Greco-Roman wrestling. Rostov-onDon: Feniks; 2004. 800 p.
Ingerleib MG. Life-giving breathing and breathing exercises. Moscow: Eksmo; 2005.
Katanskiy SA. Multi style contact karate. Moscow: Bauman Moscow State Technical University; 2010. 632 p.
Kiddo B. 33 best judo defense techniques against knife and gun. Moscow: AST; 2017. 66 p.
Kuptsov AP. Fundamentals of wrestler training methodology. In: Kuptsov AP, editor. Athletic wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1978, p. 323–337.
Kuritsyna AE. Basic technical and tactical actions and methodology for their development in the initial training groups of 10-12 year-old sambo wrestlers [аutoreferat]. Omsk; Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports; 2012. 24 p.
Kutergin NB, Gorbotenko AV, Kulinichev AN. The peculiarities of development of martial fighting skills in physical preparation of cadets of high schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In: Problems and prospects of development of team sports and combat sports in higher education institutions. Proc. of the IX Internat. scient. conf.; 2013 Feb 8-9; Belgorod, Kharkov, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow: KhSPU; 2013, p. 217-220.
Lebedev IV, Oshchepkov VS. Self-defense and wrestling. Мoscow: “FAIR-PRESS”; 2004. p.
Lektorskiy VA. Perception. – New encyclopedia of philosophy. Мoscow: Mysl; 2010.
Lents AN. The common principles of sports training for wrestlers. In: Sports wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1964, p. 5–116.
Lents AN. Training. In: Galkovskiy NM, Katulin AZ, editors. Sports wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1968, p. 178–241.
Lomov BF, Surkov EN. Anticipation in the structure of activity. Moscow; 1980. 279 p.
Liakh VI. Coordination ability: diagnosis and development. Мoscow: Division; 2006. 240 p.
Mariashin YuE. Modern karate. Functional gymnastics. Мoscow: AST; 2004.
Makhov SYu. Methods for ensuring personal safety: trial-experimental study. Orel: MABIV; 2014. 60 p.
Nemov RS. Psychology [in 3 vols.] Moscow: VLADOS; 2003. Vol 1, General principles of psychology; p. 218–228.
Nikitenko AV. Testing agility and coordination abilities in combat sports and martial arts. In: Proceedings of X Internat. conf. Youth and the Olympic movement [Internet]. Kyiv: NUPESU; 2017; p. 417–419. Available from: http://www.uni-sport.edu.ua/sites/default/files/konferencya/nufzsu%20konferentsii/zbirnik_tez_2017_na_sajt.pdf
Novikov AA, Khudadov NA, Umarov MK. Execution of technical actions in sambo depending on the assessment of the dynamic situation. Sports science bulletin. 2013;1:20-24.
Norman DA. Memory and learning. Moscow; 1985.
Oznobishin NN. The art of hand-to-hand combat. Moscow; 1930.
Oznobishin NN. The art of hand-to-hand combat. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2005. 400 p.
Otaki T. The techniques of judo. Moscow: Sport; 2003. 592 p.
Panov EV. The main directions of improving the educational discipline “Physical training” in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Krasnoyarsk: Sib. Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 2011.
Platonov V. The system for preparing athletes in Olympic sport. General theory and its practical applications: textbook [for coaches] in 2 vols. Кyiv: Olympic literature; 2015. Vol. 2; 752 p.
Platonov VN. Motor qualities and physical training of athletes. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2017. 656 p.
Podlivaev BA, Grogoriev AV. Freestyle wrestling lessons. Moscow: Sovetskii sport; 2012. 528 p.
Raff H. Physiology secrets. Moscow; St.Petersburg, 2001; p. 313–356.
Romanova TV. Improvement of coordination abilities of highly skilled female athletes in wrestling through the aerobics [аutoreferat]. Moscow; Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, and Tourism; 2006. 22 p.
Rubinshtein SL. The fundamentals of general psychology. [in 2 vols.]. Moscow; 1989. p. 300–344.
Rudman D, Troianov K. Sambo school of David Rudman. Moscow: Tchelovek; 2013. 288 p.
Semenov AG, Prokhorova MV, editors. Greco-Roman wrestling: textbook for higher educational institutions pf physical culture. Мoscow: Olimpia Press: Terra-Sport; 2005. 256 p.
Sidorov SG. Formation of the in-service applied physical preparedness of students (cadets) of the higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [dissertation]. Moscow; Moscow Law University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs; 1998.
Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P. Anatomy and Physiology: in 2 vols. [transl. from English G. Goncharenko]. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2007. 662 p.
Sorokin NN. Athletic wrestling: textbook for institutes of phys. Culture. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1960. 484 p.
Spiridonov VA. The basics of self-defense. Theory and methodology. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2005. 320 p.
Spiridonov EA. Improvement of coordination abilities when changing a combat sport [аutoreferat]. Almaty; Kazakh State Academy of sport and tourism; 2006. 30 p.
Starov VV. Hand-to-hand combat. Tver; 2004. 400 p.
Sun Man Lee. Modern taekwondo. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2002. 352 p.
Surkov EN. Anticipation in sport. Science to sport: psychology. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1982. 142 p.
Ter-Ovanesian AA, Ter-Ovanesian IA. Advancement of sports mastery. Moscow: SAAM; 1995. p. 124–135.
Tumanian GS. Athletic wrestling: theory, methodology, and organization of training: study guide in 4 vols. Moscow: Sovetskii sport; 1998. Vol. 3, Training methodology; 400 p.
Tumanian GS. School of excellence of wrestlers, judokas and sambo wrestlers: study guide for students of higher educat. institutions. Moscow: Akademia; 2006. 592 p.
Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport [transl. from English]. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2001. 502 p.
Ukrainets L. Hand-to-hand combat. Zhytomyr: Pres-Forum Liteks; 1994. 286 p.
Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2001. 336 p.
Harrington P. Judo. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2003. 400 p.
Kharlampiev AA. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1949. 182 p.
Kharlampiev AA. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1964. 388 p.
Kharlampiev AA. System of sambo: study and methodol. Guide. Мoscow: FAIR-PRESS; 2002. 528 p.
Kharlampiev AA. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Grand-Fair, 2004; 528 p.
Healy К. Karate. Moscow: EKSMO-Press; 2015. 112 p.
Cheremoshkina LV. Psychology of memory. Мoscow: Aspect Press; 2009. 320 p.
Choi Sung Mo. Taekwondo for beginners. Moscow: Ozon; 2005. 135 p.
Shestakov VB, Eregina SV. Theory and practice of judo: textbook for students of high educational institutions. Moscow: Sovetskii sport; 2011. 448 p.
Shulika YuA, Koblev YaK, Nevzorov VM, Skhaliakho YuM. Judo. The system and wrestling. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks; 2006. 800 p.
Shulika YuA, et al. Taekwondo: Theory and methodology. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks; 2007. Vol. 1, Combat sports: textbook for specialized children and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve, sports departments of pedagogical institutes, technical colleges of physical culture and colleges of the Olympic reserve; 800 p.
Shulika YuA. Combat sambo and applied combat sports. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks; 2004. 224 p.
Enoka RM. Basics of kinesiology. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2000. 400 p.
Yagello V. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of long-term physical training of young judokas [autoreferat]. Kiev; NUPESU; 2003. 32 p.
Yamaguchi NG. Fundamental karate. Moscow: Grand; 1998. 224 p.
Bosch, 2017
Cheney PD. Role of cerebral cortex in voluntary movements: A reviewю review. Phys. Therapy. 1985;65:624-35.
DeWeese BH, Nimphius S. Program Design Technique for Speed and Agility Training Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 4th ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics; 2016. pp. 521-58.
Gamble P. Strength and conditioning for team sports: sport-specific physical preparation for high performance. 2nd ed. Kindle; 2013. 304 p.
Gillet E, Leroy D, Thouvarecq R. et al. Movement-production strategy in tennis: A case study. J. Strength Cond. Res. 2010;24(7):1942-7.
Hoffman JR, editor. NSCA’s program design. National Strength and Conditioning Association. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2012. - 325 p.
Holmberg PM. Agility training for experienced athletes: A dynamical systems approach. Strength Cond. J. 2009;31(5):73-8.
Jeffreys I. Agility development in youths. In: Lloyd RS, Oliver JL, editors. Strength and conditioning for young athletes: science and application. London; New York: Routledge; 2014. p. 107-19.
Kenney LW, Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport and exercise. Champaign: Human Kinetics; 2012. – 621 p.
Nimphius S. Increasing agility In: Joyce D, Lewindon D, editors. High-Performance Training for Sports. 1st ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2014. P.185-98.
Plisk SS. Speed, agility, and speed-endurance development. In: Plisk SS, Baechle TR, Earle RW, editors. Essentials of strength training and conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2008.
Spiteri T, Hart NH, Nimphius S. Offensive and defensive agility: A sex comparison of lower body kinematics and ground reaction forces. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2014;30:514-20.
Triplett NT. Speed and agility. In: Miller T, editor. NSCA’s guide to tests and assessments. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2012. P. 253-74.
Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport and exercise. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2004. - 726 p.
Young W, Farrow D. The importance of a sport-specific stimulus for training agility. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2013;35:39-43.
Anokhin PK. The essays on physiology of functional systemsю Moscow: Meditsina; 1975. 402 p.
Bernshtein NA. On the agility and its development. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1991. 288 p.
Bulantsov AM. Improving the reliability of throwing motor skill in sambo wrestlers under conditions of competitive activity [аutoreferat]. Moscow; Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism; 2011. 22 p.
Burtsev GA, Malashenkov SG, Smirnov VV, Siamiullin ZS. The basics of hand-to-hand combat. Moscow: Voen. izd-vo; 1992. 206 p.
Valeiev РG. Enhancing the technical and tactical skills of wrestlers on the basis of improvement of combinational style of fighting in a match [аutoreferat]. St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg Lesgaft GUFK; 2007. 22 p.
Galkovskii NM, Katulin AZ. Athletic wrestling (Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, sambo). Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1968.
Guzhalovskii AA. The basics of the theory and methodology of physical culture. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1986. 356 p.
Gulevich DI, Zviagintsev GN. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Voenizdat; 1975. 175 p.
Dolmatov AI. Specialized physical training. Moscow: CS “Dinamo”; 1989. 149 p.
Dougherty MJ. Survival. Hand-to-hand combat. Moscow: AST; 2015. 320 p.
Duk Sung Son. Combat taekwondo. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2004. 384 p.
Zaporozhets AV. Psychology of sensations and perceptions. Psychological chrestomathy. Moscow; 1999. p. 539–546.
Zakharov FE. Enhancing the reliability of performing signature moves by Greco-Roman wrestlers on the basis of individualization of speed-strength training [аutoreferat]. Saint Petersburg; Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health; 2013. 26 p.
Zinchenko V. Perception. – Great psychological dictionary. Moscow: Olma-Press; 2004.
Ivanov II, Kuznetsov AS, Samurgashev RV, Shulika YuA. Greco-Roman wrestling. Rostov-onDon: Feniks; 2004. 800 p.
Ingerleib MG. Life-giving breathing and breathing exercises. Moscow: Eksmo; 2005.
Katanskiy SA. Multi style contact karate. Moscow: Bauman Moscow State Technical University; 2010. 632 p.
Kiddo B. 33 best judo defense techniques against knife and gun. Moscow: AST; 2017. 66 p.
Kuptsov AP. Fundamentals of wrestler training methodology. In: Kuptsov AP, editor. Athletic wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1978, p. 323–337.
Kuritsyna AE. Basic technical and tactical actions and methodology for their development in the initial training groups of 10-12 year-old sambo wrestlers [аutoreferat]. Omsk; Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports; 2012. 24 p.
Kutergin NB, Gorbotenko AV, Kulinichev AN. The peculiarities of development of martial fighting skills in physical preparation of cadets of high schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In: Problems and prospects of development of team sports and combat sports in higher education institutions. Proc. of the IX Internat. scient. conf.; 2013 Feb 8-9; Belgorod, Kharkov, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow: KhSPU; 2013, p. 217-220.
Lebedev IV, Oshchepkov VS. Self-defense and wrestling. Мoscow: “FAIR-PRESS”; 2004. p.
Lektorskiy VA. Perception. – New encyclopedia of philosophy. Мoscow: Mysl; 2010.
Lents AN. The common principles of sports training for wrestlers. In: Sports wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1964, p. 5–116.
Lents AN. Training. In: Galkovskiy NM, Katulin AZ, editors. Sports wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1968, p. 178–241.
Lomov BF, Surkov EN. Anticipation in the structure of activity. Moscow; 1980. 279 p.
Liakh VI. Coordination ability: diagnosis and development. Мoscow: Division; 2006. 240 p.
Mariashin YuE. Modern karate. Functional gymnastics. Мoscow: AST; 2004.
Makhov SYu. Methods for ensuring personal safety: trial-experimental study. Orel: MABIV; 2014. 60 p.
Nemov RS. Psychology [in 3 vols.] Moscow: VLADOS; 2003. Vol 1, General principles of psychology; p. 218–228.
Nikitenko AV. Testing agility and coordination abilities in combat sports and martial arts. In: Proceedings of X Internat. conf. Youth and the Olympic movement [Internet]. Kyiv: NUPESU; 2017; p. 417–419. Available from: http://www.uni-sport.edu.ua/sites/default/files/konferencya/nufzsu%20konferentsii/zbirnik_tez_2017_na_sajt.pdf
Novikov AA, Khudadov NA, Umarov MK. Execution of technical actions in sambo depending on the assessment of the dynamic situation. Sports science bulletin. 2013;1:20-24.
Norman DA. Memory and learning. Moscow; 1985.
Oznobishin NN. The art of hand-to-hand combat. Moscow; 1930.
Oznobishin NN. The art of hand-to-hand combat. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2005. 400 p.
Otaki T. The techniques of judo. Moscow: Sport; 2003. 592 p.
Panov EV. The main directions of improving the educational discipline “Physical training” in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Krasnoyarsk: Sib. Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 2011.
Platonov V. The system for preparing athletes in Olympic sport. General theory and its practical applications: textbook [for coaches] in 2 vols. Кyiv: Olympic literature; 2015. Vol. 2; 752 p.
Platonov VN. Motor qualities and physical training of athletes. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2017. 656 p.
Podlivaev BA, Grogoriev AV. Freestyle wrestling lessons. Moscow: Sovetskii sport; 2012. 528 p.
Raff H. Physiology secrets. Moscow; St.Petersburg, 2001; p. 313–356.
Romanova TV. Improvement of coordination abilities of highly skilled female athletes in wrestling through the aerobics [аutoreferat]. Moscow; Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, and Tourism; 2006. 22 p.
Rubinshtein SL. The fundamentals of general psychology. [in 2 vols.]. Moscow; 1989. p. 300–344.
Rudman D, Troianov K. Sambo school of David Rudman. Moscow: Tchelovek; 2013. 288 p.
Semenov AG, Prokhorova MV, editors. Greco-Roman wrestling: textbook for higher educational institutions pf physical culture. Мoscow: Olimpia Press: Terra-Sport; 2005. 256 p.
Sidorov SG. Formation of the in-service applied physical preparedness of students (cadets) of the higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [dissertation]. Moscow; Moscow Law University of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs; 1998.
Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P. Anatomy and Physiology: in 2 vols. [transl. from English G. Goncharenko]. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2007. 662 p.
Sorokin NN. Athletic wrestling: textbook for institutes of phys. Culture. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1960. 484 p.
Spiridonov VA. The basics of self-defense. Theory and methodology. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2005. 320 p.
Spiridonov EA. Improvement of coordination abilities when changing a combat sport [аutoreferat]. Almaty; Kazakh State Academy of sport and tourism; 2006. 30 p.
Starov VV. Hand-to-hand combat. Tver; 2004. 400 p.
Sun Man Lee. Modern taekwondo. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2002. 352 p.
Surkov EN. Anticipation in sport. Science to sport: psychology. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1982. 142 p.
Ter-Ovanesian AA, Ter-Ovanesian IA. Advancement of sports mastery. Moscow: SAAM; 1995. p. 124–135.
Tumanian GS. Athletic wrestling: theory, methodology, and organization of training: study guide in 4 vols. Moscow: Sovetskii sport; 1998. Vol. 3, Training methodology; 400 p.
Tumanian GS. School of excellence of wrestlers, judokas and sambo wrestlers: study guide for students of higher educat. institutions. Moscow: Akademia; 2006. 592 p.
Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport [transl. from English]. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2001. 502 p.
Ukrainets L. Hand-to-hand combat. Zhytomyr: Pres-Forum Liteks; 1994. 286 p.
Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2001. 336 p.
Harrington P. Judo. Moscow: Grand-Fair; 2003. 400 p.
Kharlampiev AA. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1949. 182 p.
Kharlampiev AA. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport; 1964. 388 p.
Kharlampiev AA. System of sambo: study and methodol. Guide. Мoscow: FAIR-PRESS; 2002. 528 p.
Kharlampiev AA. Sambo wrestling. Moscow: Grand-Fair, 2004; 528 p.
Healy К. Karate. Moscow: EKSMO-Press; 2015. 112 p.
Cheremoshkina LV. Psychology of memory. Мoscow: Aspect Press; 2009. 320 p.
Choi Sung Mo. Taekwondo for beginners. Moscow: Ozon; 2005. 135 p.
Shestakov VB, Eregina SV. Theory and practice of judo: textbook for students of high educational institutions. Moscow: Sovetskii sport; 2011. 448 p.
Shulika YuA, Koblev YaK, Nevzorov VM, Skhaliakho YuM. Judo. The system and wrestling. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks; 2006. 800 p.
Shulika YuA, et al. Taekwondo: Theory and methodology. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks; 2007. Vol. 1, Combat sports: textbook for specialized children and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve, sports departments of pedagogical institutes, technical colleges of physical culture and colleges of the Olympic reserve; 800 p.
Shulika YuA. Combat sambo and applied combat sports. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks; 2004. 224 p.
Enoka RM. Basics of kinesiology. Kyiv: Olympic literature; 2000. 400 p.
Yagello V. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of long-term physical training of young judokas [autoreferat]. Kiev; NUPESU; 2003. 32 p.
Yamaguchi NG. Fundamental karate. Moscow: Grand; 1998. 224 p.
Bosch, 2017
Cheney PD. Role of cerebral cortex in voluntary movements: A reviewю review. Phys. Therapy. 1985;65:624-35.
DeWeese BH, Nimphius S. Program Design Technique for Speed and Agility Training Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 4th ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics; 2016. pp. 521-58.
Gamble P. Strength and conditioning for team sports: sport-specific physical preparation for high performance. 2nd ed. Kindle; 2013. 304 p.
Gillet E, Leroy D, Thouvarecq R. et al. Movement-production strategy in tennis: A case study. J. Strength Cond. Res. 2010;24(7):1942-7.
Hoffman JR, editor. NSCA’s program design. National Strength and Conditioning Association. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2012. - 325 p.
Holmberg PM. Agility training for experienced athletes: A dynamical systems approach. Strength Cond. J. 2009;31(5):73-8.
Jeffreys I. Agility development in youths. In: Lloyd RS, Oliver JL, editors. Strength and conditioning for young athletes: science and application. London; New York: Routledge; 2014. p. 107-19.
Kenney LW, Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport and exercise. Champaign: Human Kinetics; 2012. – 621 p.
Nimphius S. Increasing agility In: Joyce D, Lewindon D, editors. High-Performance Training for Sports. 1st ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2014. P.185-98.
Plisk SS. Speed, agility, and speed-endurance development. In: Plisk SS, Baechle TR, Earle RW, editors. Essentials of strength training and conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2008.
Spiteri T, Hart NH, Nimphius S. Offensive and defensive agility: A sex comparison of lower body kinematics and ground reaction forces. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2014;30:514-20.
Triplett NT. Speed and agility. In: Miller T, editor. NSCA’s guide to tests and assessments. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2012. P. 253-74.
Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport and exercise. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2004. - 726 p.
Young W, Farrow D. The importance of a sport-specific stimulus for training agility. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2013;35:39-43.
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